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Captura de Tela 2020-09-04 às 09.58.47.


The purpose of the Project is to train and include people with disabilities registered in our Institution in the formal job market, in our partner companies through the Quotas Law No. 8,213.


The Institute, Aware of the importance of education in building an inclusive society and developing socially responsible companies, implemented the Project: The Welcome of Inclusion, which qualifies and includes people with disabilities in the labor market through training and simultaneous integration, between company, disabled person and social organization.


The Social and Professional Qualification courses for People with Disabilities aim at the global formation of the individual, because more than performing a paid task, working is also working in the world in a productive way, establishing social relationships and achieving satisfaction.


We have a specialized team to assist the company:

  • In the definitions of Inclusion Policies

  • Awareness Projects

  • Team training

  • Mapping

  • Occupational Analysis of Functions

  • Accessibility

  • Recruitment & Selection

  • Professional Training

In addition to the monitoring and follow-up of the people included.

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