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In line with the current reality, the project promotes training and professional inclusion in a digital and universal way for teenagers under the terms and parameters of the LDB and the Law of Learning, boosting entry into the labor market and income generation.

The methodology used by the project includes: Classes and monitoring through a digital platform with modules of 32 weeks of classes, with vocational guidance, training in technical and socio-emotional skills and in harmony with the themes identified by the UN as the most important skills for the future of work. Digital tools and resources will be made available as an integration channel between educators, students and companies. Among these technological resources, a web platform that will facilitate recruitment by interested companies and mentoring monitoring.

Support material:

  • Apprentice Portal (APP / Web): Database with profile, skills, dreams and life goals, for each student to facilitate access, analysis and contact of companies interested in hiring them directly or as a Young Apprentice .;

  • Mentoring Portal: Tool where young people will find guidance and answers to their questions through tutors .;

  • Communication plan: Among the dissemination and funding actions, the following will be developed: (1) Printed material (posters and folders); (2) Digital material: email marketing, banners, videos and posts to be disseminated on social media;

  • Motivational events: holding meetings, lectures and workshops with market experts and personalities with representation in the communities


Young people from 14 to 17 years old

attended every 2 months.


of course and work




per student

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